Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blighted Kiloray is the very first blighted miscrit to be released in the game from theBlightfall content patch which is on the way.

Stats are killer one with three max, two strong and one elite. Would have been better if there were more elite stats.

Skillset are also great with confuse, hyper power, feebler and negate move plus a powerful final move that does 35 AP damage and heals with 100% accuracy.

HP: Health, EA: Elemental Attack, ED: Elemental Defense, PA: Physical Attack, PD: Physical Defense, AP: Attack Power or Damage.

Conclusion: A must have miscrit!

FIND OUT: The best miscrits to train.

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What we love?
Absolutely amazing skillset.

Would be better if
More elite stats were there.

Relics Recommended.
Relics to boost ED.

Assign Trainer on PA or HP.
How to assign trainers guide.

Blighted Kiloray
Type: Lightning Miscrit
Which element beats which check out!
Location: Miscrits Shop
"Blighted Kiloray's glowing personality is now marred by the blight which dwells upon it. No longer making people feel good about themselves, it exists only to spread the blight further."

Health- Max
EA- Strong
ED- Strong
PA- Max
PD- Elite
Speed- Max

EA: Elemental Attack, ED: Elemental Defense, PA: Physical Attack, PD: Physical Defense

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Lv1- Zap
Lv1- Shy Smile
Lv4- Slap
Lv7- Confuse
Lv10- Blighted Sting Shot
Lv13- Feebler
Lv16- Impact
Lv19- Scorched Earth (Negate)
Lv22- Voltage
Lv25- Blitzkrieg
Lv28- Hyper Power
Lv30- Blighted Lightning Barb (PA, 35 AP + 15 HP, 100% accuracy)

SEE ALSO: All miscrits level 35 skills.

Stats: 4.5/5
Skillset: 4.5/5

What do you think about this lightning miscrit? Leave your comments below. 
We would like to hear from you all. 

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(30,000+ members miscrits players sharing tips, strategies and helping each other. Special Giveaways and Rewards too!)

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